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Innovation and Synergy at Hittech Comac

Food and agribusiness share more similarities than you might think with the high-tech and semiconductor industries. Both sectors require a high degree of precision, innovation, and a constant search for improvement. Technologies developed in one industry can often be successfully applied in another.

Hittech Comac’s new Managing Director, Tim Merx, brings experience that perfectly matches these developments. Tim: “At Hittech, we believe in the power of innovation and the synergy between different sectors. A great example is H2L Robotics’s tulip robot, a pioneering technology transforming the agricultural industry, which we co-engineered at Hittech Multin and currently assemble at Hittech Comac.

At Marel, a leading food processing systems company, Tim gained extensive knowledge of the food processing industry’s needs and challenges. This experience deepened his understanding of how technology can contribute to efficiency and quality in food production. Tim: “Robots are increasingly used in the agricultural sector due to a shortage of affordable labour. I anticipate an increasing demand for similar solutions in other industries, such as food processing companies.”

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