Faster, cheaper, easier: a daily request at our Hittech Comac plant in Deurne. After the first batch of tulip selection robots was released earlier this year, our client, H2L Robotics, developed [...]
Hittech Multin B.V. Multin recently completed a 6-month reconstruction project at their plant in The Hague, resulting in a 1.250 square metre ISO-7 work environment with ISO-5 flow benches and [...]
Hittech has attended all Precisiebeurs editions since the first one, 23 years ago. This year, you can find us there at booth nr. 333, where we will present two showcases from the development and [...]
“We started producing the carrier handler in the picture for the semicon industry almost 25 years ago”, explains Philip Bakker, our director of Marketing & Sales. “A carrier handler handles [...]
How to check and calibrate 600 screwing holes in a complex milling part without losing concentration, and on top of this, find people to do it in an era where technical personnel is scarce? “An [...]
Five bright and young minds from our German site, Hittech Prontor GmbH, were rewarded with a trip to The Netherlands for their hard work and completion of their trainee exams. As part of the [...]
An important step in our mission towards a more sustainable future: Hittech Landes hosted a brainstorm session with toughtleaders from the regional goverment, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and [...]
Hittech Prontor GmbH has decades of experience with making systems with integrated optomechanics. The glueing of optics is a challenging part of the process which our expert Reiner Berger [...]
Great weather and so many lovely people: the annual Summer Party of Hittech Prontor GmbH in Germany’s Black Forest took place on September 15. This year, a brand-new team organised this event for [...]
This ultra-advanced machine from ZEISS Microscopy, which we helped to develop and produce at our Hittech Multin B.V. site in The Hague in the Netherlands, has the ability to cut tissue sections [...]
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