Hittech Bihca expands its milling capacity
Last week, the first of three new milling machines arrived at our production facility at Hittech Bihca—an impressive capacity expansion in just a few months! We asked their Operations Manager, Eugene ten Broeke what is going on.
“We use these to machine flat and irregularly shaped titanium surfaces for the semicon and oil & gas industries. The one in the photo is number four. It will be installed and qualified in the next couple of weeks and will be ready for production in February. We have two more of these machines coming in the next months.”
Eugene joined the Hittech Bihca team last summer, and we asked him what his impression is of his new work environment.
“The Hittech Bihca train is moving fast. Really fast! The team is very open and committed, no matter which level in the organisation. I also like the improvement mentality within the company; even this morning, we were working on an interesting improvement challenge. We are preparing to produce a new part for one of our clients, and we are really close to meeting
the tolerance limit. We gathered everybody in our team for a brainstorming session on improving the process. It’s challenging, but we are confident we will achieve the requirements!”
Are you in the semicon or oil & gas industry, and do you need a system supplier with lots of experience in highly complex and accurate machining? Please contact Harm te Winkel to discuss the possibilities.