Innovation in Precision
How to check and calibrate 600 screwing holes in a complex milling part without losing concentration, and on top of this, find people to do it in an era where technical personnel is scarce? “An interesting challenge we loved to solve”, says Ard Geelkerken, our team leader, value engineering. “We wanted to automate the process via a commercial off-the-shelf device or one of the advanced metrology suppliers in our network, but they couldn’t. So yes, we decided to develop our own Torque Verification Robot.”
“It took us over a year investing time and money, but I’m sure we will earn it back soon. Even if we get qualified technical personnel, you must realise that mistakes can be made while checking these parts. With this new process, we file the data of every screw-hole and its screw-in torque, which provides us with a 100% traceability record per manufactured product.”
Ard concludes: “Next to controlling our process and products to perfection, we also save 1.5 FTE by using our Torque Verification Robot. People who can create much more added value elsewhere in our company.”
Please look at the graph in the comment for an example of measurement details. Would you like to know more about the Torque Verification Robot we developed? Send a message to Ard Geelkerken.